Sign up for the Building a Brighter Future for St. Andrew: Exploring Giving Options by Wednesday, March 26th.
Check out the Movie Night feature on Saturday, April 25th.
Don’t forget to sign up for the Blood Drive on Wednesday, May 7th.
See more information below on “What’s Going on at St. Andrew.”
We are happy to announce a new outreach project geared to attract more youth to our youth programs. We are starting a youth praise band and music education project (middle school and high school age). The idea is to provide an avenue for youth to participate here at St Andrew in a fun way that will allow them to learn an instrument/vocal ability or further develop their musical talents with the instruments and/or vocal abilities they are already learning.
We need your help to get this off the ground. We need youth! This is the outreach part. We have some youth that regularly attend here at St Andrew that sing or play an instrument, but not enough to form a band. So….if you have children that are interested in learning or are currently learning an instrument, please let them know we are starting this project. If you or your children or your grandchildren have friends, cousins, classmates, online friends, etc. that might be interested, please have them reach out to us. Music lessons will be taught at 4:00 PM on Sundays and Band practice will be at 5:00 PM here at the church in the legacy hall. Of course, Youth Group starts at 6:00, so the youth that participate in the music program are invited to stay and participate for Youth Group also. Will also make it easier for parents to drop them off at 4:00 and pick back up at 8:00 after youth group.
Contact Chris Mosely with any questions.