

The Youth will be collecting an offering for the Rescue Mission.

Don’t forget to sign up for the Valentine’s Party and Movie Night.

Join us for coffee hour on February 16th!

See more information below on “What’s Going on at St. Andrew.”

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Bingo at Homewood

February 22 @ 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm

 For many years, our church has sponsored BINGO parties at Homewood. Since COVID we have not done this. We are starting up again. Saturday, February 22nd. We will meet at the Williamsport McDonald’s for lunch at 12:30. From there, we will caravan up to Homewood to help get people out of their rooms for our BINGO Party. We will play BINGO for about an hour, and then serve refreshments.
This is such a fun event, hope that you can join us. Please sign up if you can attend. Also, there are some items that we need for our party. If you want to contribute something to the party, please sign up. You can bring it to the church before the party or bring it directly to the party.


February 22
12:30 pm - 3:00 pm

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