PW See’s Candy Fundraiser deadline is November 17th.
The 2nd Annual American Red Cross Blood Drive is December 2nd. Make sure to sign up!
See more information below on “What’s Going on at St. Andrew.”
Sunday, December 17, noon. Everyone is invited!
Here are some exciting things that we will be doing:
** Enjoying a delicious lunch provided by the Fellowship Committee.
** Games and crafts are provided
** Singing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus and enjoying some birthday cake. *
* Cookie/Candy Exchange—
Anyone who would like to Participate in the cookie/ candy exchange, please bring 2 to 3 dozen cookies and or a bag of wrapped candy. You will be taking home a delicious assortment of cookies to share with your family and friends.
** Sonshine, our Christian clown, will be joining us at the party.
Please sign up if you plan on attending