There is a Coffee Hour/New Member Reception on January 19th at 9:30 a.m. We hope you can join us for fellowship, welcoming of new members, and delicious food.
Don’t forget to sign up for Game Night, which is held on Saturday, January 18th.
See more information below on “What’s Going on at St. Andrew.”
SAVE THE DATE: The Human Right’s Day celebration will be held on Friday, September 13, 2024 at our church! Fliers about the event are posted in the church.
At 6:00, a dinner prepared by our Presbyterian Women will be provided for $15. Reservations for the meal need to be made by September 5 by calling, texting, or email (preferred) to Tammy Coyle. .
The program begins at 6:50. A speaker from the Hope Center of Hagerstown will share about their ministry. The offering will be given to Hope Center.
To enable mothers to attend, Dominique Burford will provide free child care during the program. Those planning to use child care should register by Sept. 5 by calling Debbie Keefer by Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024.
Thank you for the generous support at our May Friendship Day dinner and program. There were at about 70 men, women, and children in attendance. Health Kit donations totaled $150 and 85 kits! The Least Coin offering was $104! Other unspecified donations amounted to $504! We also celebrated two Young Church Women: Pamela McDonald from St. Andrew Presbyterian Church and Anastasia Minnick from Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren. What a wonderful evening! Thanks for your ongoing support of Church Women United’s ministry. Mark your calendars and make your reservations today!