There will be communion at both services on January 5th.
There is a congregational meeting at noon on January 12th.
Don’t forget to sign up for Game Night that is held on Saturday, January 18th.
See more information below on “What’s Going on at St. Andrew.”
February Friday Potluck lunch will be on Friday, February 17, at noon in the Fellowship Hall.
Steve Hatleberg will be bringing us information about the Saylor House Restoration project. The Saylor House is a small limestone structure built on the banks of Antietam Creek around 1820. It is owned by the City of Hagerstown and is in Kiwanis Park. The structure was abandoned and unoccupied for about sixty years before it was given to the City. The Washington County Historical Trust has been renovating the structure and the City for about six years. Steve will discuss the Saylor family genealogy, when, where, why, and how the house was built, the workshops and educational classes that the Trust has given at this site and historical connections this site has to the 1812 Antietam canal project sponsored by George Washington’s Potomac Canal Company.
Please bring a covered dish to serve 8 -10 people and join us.