

PW Coordinating Team

The Coordinating Team will meet on Tuesday, September 12, at 6:00 p.m. in the Conference Room.

Community Action Council

The Council will meet on-site at the church on Thursday, September 14, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Legacy Hall. If you know of any one who needs assistance, please let them know that they can receive help at this mobile site.

Thursday Night Bible Study

This class will be starting on Thursday, September 14, at 7:00 pm. We will be studying Names of God.

Uprise Festival – Youth Group and Young Adults

We are planning on going to the Uprise Festival on September 15th and 16th; cost is $75.00 for adults, $60.00 for youth (ages 7-12) tickets need to be paid for by September 10, you can get tickets online.  Young Adults is open to those ages 18 to 30 and their friends in the same age […]

Friday With Friends

Friday with Friends will meet at noon on Friday, September 15, 2023. This is a casual lunch meeting with friends and interesting speakers. Our first speaker this fall is Jeff McAfee, Wildlife Tech with Dept. of Natural Resources and Wildlife Heritage Services. He will tell us about the rising bear population in our area, their […]

Pulpit Exchange

Sunday, September 17, the Presbyterian Ministers will have a pulpit exchange. Pastor Mark will preach in Cumberland and Terry Martin-Minnich will preach at St. Andrew. Chris Johnson will preach at Emmittsburg Presbyterian Church. We are doing this to show our Presbyterian connections here in Western Maryland.

September Coffee Hour

Please join us for food and fellowship from 9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. on Sunday, September 17th in the Legacy Hall.

Parenting Class “Effective Parenting”

We will be starting a new Parenting Class this fall during the Sunday School hour, 9:45-10:45. We will be using a book study guide and a DVD curriculum entitled “Effective Parenting”. As we all know, parenting can be tough and challenging this day and age. In this study you will learn first hand tools to equip you […]

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