

Helping Hands

Helping Hands will meet on Thursday, December 1st and the 15th from 10:00 a.m.—noon.

Pastor Mark and Annette’s Christmas Open House

Pastor Mark and Annette would like to invite you to our Christmas Open House on December 4th in the Legacy Hall after both services. Come and enjoy some food and fellowship. We want to personally wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and to thank each and everyone of you for your love, support and ministry […]

Youth Group

December is here and with one of our busiest times. This month we will be having the Living Nativity. On December 11th we will have practice for the shows which will be on December 17 & 18. It will be an exciting and fun time. We will have regular youth group on December 4th and […]

Evening Book Club

The Evening Book Club will meet Tuesday, December 6, at 7:00 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall. We will be discussing the book, Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy.

Youth Group

December is here and with one of our busiest times. This month we will be having the Living Nativity. On December 11th we will have practice for the shows which will be on December 17 & 18. It will be an exciting and fun time. We will have regular youth group on December 4th and […]

Adult Christmas Party

Mark your calendar for Monday, December 12, at 6:00 p.m. for our Adult Christmas Party/Gift Exchange in the Legacy Hall. Here are a few reminders for the evening:  Please bring a wrapped gift around the amount of $10.00.  Bring finger food to share.  Food and fellowship time is from 6:00 -6:30 p.m. […]

Coordinating Team Meeting

The Coordinating Team will meet on Tuesday, December 13, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference room.

Daytime Bible Study

Join us Tuesday, December 13, as we continue this fascinating Bible study. Pastor Mark will lead the daytime and evening Bible studies. The daytime Bible study meets 10-11:15 a.m.

Evening Bible Study

Join us Tuesday, December 13, as we continue this fascinating Bible study. Pastor Mark will lead the daytime and evening Bible studies.  The evening group meets 7-8:15 p.m. with childcare provided as needed. Please let Terri Long know if you require childcare.

Helping Hands

Helping Hands will meet on Thursday, 15th from 10:00 a.m.—noon.

Friday Club w/ Mason Dixon Barbershop Chorus

Friday Club Friday Club isn’t really a club! Debbie and Gene McCauley started this back in the 1990s. Once a month during the school year, a group of interested people meet in the old Fellowship Hall for a Potluck lunch. Anyone can come. It includes people form the community outside of St. Andrew. Anyone is […]

Living Nativity

Our Living Nativity will be presented on Saturday and Sunday, December 17 & 18, at 6:00 & 7:00 p.m. both days. Come and enjoy the retelling of the greatest birth of all time, the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. You can sit in your car with the music on the radio at […]

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