

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church/><div class=

Christian Education

Meet the Committee:

Chair: Melanie Beckley

Co-Chair: Julie Malecki

This committee supervises the Christian Education of the St. Andrew Church family and strengthens the congregation and the community through social activities scheduled throughout the year. The committee oversees and supports the Director of Christian Education and outreach for Sunday School classes, Vacation Bible School, and all activities for children and youth programs.


On Thursday, May 2, Helping Hands will meet in the Legacy Hall from 10 am – Noon.  Due to the Yard Sale setup, Helping Hands will meet Thursday, May 16, in the Friendship Hall and the Conference Room from 10:00 am – 11:30.  Since we should be finished by 11:30, only coffee and light snacks will be provided.

Sunday, May 19, there will be a Teacher Appreciation Breakfast in the Legacy Hall at 9:30 am. We will be celebrating all of our teaching staff here at St. Andrew. Come and celebrate with us.


Monday, May 27, Supper Club will meet at Western Sizzlin’ at 5:30 pm

Upcoming Book Clubs:

Tuesday, June 4, at 7:00 pm: Book club will meet to discuss “To Rescue the Constitution” by Bret Baier. It is about the efforts of our Founding Fathers to create the constitution.


Vacation Bible School – Save the Dates: 

You don’t want to miss our Annual Vacation Bible School scheduled for June 10-14 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.  There are classes for all ages!  Fun activities and games for the children as they learn about Jesus.  Come and see!






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