

Our Coffee Hour/New Member Reception has been rescheduled for January 26th at 9:30 a.m. We hope you can join us for fellowship, welcoming of new members, and delicious food.

Don’t forget to sign up for the Valentine’s Party on February 9th and the Movie Night on February 15th.

See more information below on “What’s Going on at St. Andrew.”

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Membership Support

We support the Williamsport Ministerium as part of our ministry. You can follow them on Facebook by clicking this link»

Membership Support

Membership Support Membership Support Committee’s responsibilities include greeting visitors and encouraging them to participate actively in our ministry. Visitors are given a “welcome bag” that contains information about our ministry. Most of us have travelled from visitor to member and know the importance of being welcomed and involved. St. Andrew is an exciting, inspirational place to worship and learn. Everyone is encouraged to participate in worship services, Sunday School, Bible Studies, and special events throughout the year. Newsletters, bulletins, and announcements provide details about these activities.

Getting involved as a volunteer is part of stewardship. Volunteers are important to our ministry. Short and long-term opportunities are always available. Want to help? Contact those in charge when events are advertised.

Another stewardship responsibility is supporting our ministry financially. We are blessed by our generous congregation! Their faithful support meets our ministry needs through pledged giving and weekly offerings. Financial support may be hand delivered or mailed to the church. On-line donation may soon be an option.

At St. Andrew, everyone is encouraged to worship, learn, serve, and support our ministry. Need help? Please contact the church or Pastor Mark. As we walk together on this side of the Resurrection, let’s sustain each other through our ministry!


Our annual Stewardship Drive began with the mailing of Stewardship packets in mid-September. Additional packets are available upon request.

Included in the packet is a letter, which explains the importance of a stewardship plan for St. Andrew’s dynamic ministry.

Also, there’s a budget sheet to illustrate how your monies supported our ministry this year.

A financial commitment card, known as a pledge card, is included to help you plan your financial support for the upcoming year.

And the Time and Talent Form represents the varied opportunities for volunteers.



Meet the Committee:

Kitty Harbaugh, Chair

Chris Davis, Co-Chair

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