

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church data-lazy-src=

Presbyterian Women

Moderator: Terri Long

Vice Moderator: Melanie Beckley

Bible Study 

This month we will be finishing this year’s Bible Study, “Sacred Encounters, The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts.”

We invite all Presbyterian Women to join us Tuesday, May 14, 2024, for the final lesson of this Bible Study. Kitty will lead both the morning and the evening Bible Studies. The daytime group meets from 10:00-11:15 a.m. and the evening group meets 7:00-8:15 p.m. with childcare provided as needed. Please let Terri Long know if you require childcare (We meet at St. Andrew on the second Tuesday of every month, September through May.)

Joining one of our groups will help you grow deeper in your faith through the spiritual discipline of scripture study with others.

PW Coordination Team 

The Coordinating Team will meet on Tuesday, May 14, at 6:00 p.m. in the Conference Room.

Holly Place

Holly Place was established to target low-income seniors with limited resources who could not afford alternative care systems. The Presbyterian Women support Holly Place as one of our local missions. Holly Place Wish List This is an updated list of items Holly Place needs. The Presbyterian Women collect items each month and deliver them to Holly Place. There will be a featured item each month, but you can donate anything on this list anytime. Place your donations in the tub located in the lobby labeled Holly Place. Thank you for your generosity.


June Floor Cleaner

July Batteries (AAA, AA, 9V)

August Aluminum Foil

Other News 

Church Women United 2024 EventsSave These Dates. Details to follow.

Sept. 13, Friday, 6:00 pm, “Human Rights Day” Theme: Act Justly (Matt, 5:9)

Nov. 1, Friday, noon, “World Community Day” Theme: Walk Humbly with God (Matt, 5:5)

Christmas Craft Workshops: We meet every other Monday morning from 9:30-noon. We will meet on the following Mondays: June 10 and June 24. You can find a copy of our schedule on the Presbyterian Women’s bulletin board.

Blessing Bags will be distributed to all women of the church after both the 8:30 and 11:00 am services on Sunday, May 26, and Sunday, June 2. Count your many blessings over the summer months by putting a coin in your Blessing Bag every time you feel blessed.

PW Travel Club:  A trip to Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster to see “Daniel” is being planned for Tuesday, July 9, 2024, with an early dinner following the show at Miller’s Smorgasbord. You will find a copy of the flier on the PW bulletin board. Contact Barb Smith or Patty Rutledge if you have any questions.  Please sign up by May 15 if you are planning to go on this bus trip. (All are invited! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors, and children.)

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