Mission Committee News
As you are cleaning out your winter clothes getting ready for warmer weather please give us your: children’s, toddler’s, baby jeans, button up shirts, hoodies and one piece PJs, panty hose, new or used, (Dollar Tree has them for $1.25). Men’s and women’s long sleeve button/
snap up shirts/blouses and hoodies (no XXX LG) Men’s and women’s jeans that have belt
loops (no 40 up), hats, belts, and scarves. Please NO sweaters, sweatshirts, short sleeves, shorts or knee highs. Place your donations in the tub marked Scarecrows in the hallway. Thank you, The Mission Committee
The Mission Committee Needs YOU!
If you enjoy running an event this job is for you! With the support of the members
of the Mission Committee taking care of preparations leading up to the Hoedown,
the following is a summary of the Scarecrow Booth Coordinator’s job. If you are
considering taking the job, talk to Pastor Mark.

collects food and delivers it to the Williamsport Food Pantry. Members of the committee and the church volunteer at the Food Pantry.