St. Andrew is a thriving congregation, with Worship Services at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Sundays. We provide a staffed nursery for preschool, toddler and younger children during both services. The Noah’s Ark Nursery is also available throughout the worship service to parents with small babies.
Please note that we need Ushers for both services. Remember to please sign-up if you can help with ushering.
Kids of the Kingdom
Our worship service includes a children’s sermon followed by a “Kids of the Kingdom” class for younger children.
Our Nursery has a “Wish List”. We are accepting donations of new or gently used toys and books for the 0-2 year old Nursery.
Meet the Committee:
Chair: Hank Hemphill
Co-chair: Bill Kessler