

There will be communion at both services on January 5th.

There is a congregational meeting at noon on January 12th.

Don’t forget to sign up for Game Night that is held on Saturday, January 18th.

See more information below on “What’s Going on at St. Andrew.”

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church data-lazy-src=

Birthday Party for Jesus & Cookie/Candy Exchange (12.8.24)

Everyone is invited to come and celebrate as a church family the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! We will be celebrating His birthday on December 8th after the 11:00 service. There will
be fun activates for all ages. The Fellowship Committee will serve a delicious lunch. We will be singing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus and have fun making Jesus a birthday card in a fun and creative way. Of
course, we can’t have a party with out Sonshine joining us. In addition to the Birthday Party we will also be having a Cookie/Candy Exchange. If possible, please bring in 2-3 dozen cookies and or a bag of wrapped Christmas candy. (No nuts) We want each family to go home with a nice assortment of Christmas treats. Please sign up if you plan on attending. Hope that you can come to celebrate the birth of Jesus with your church family.

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