


Human Right’s Day Celebration Dinner & Program (9.13.24)

SAVE THE DATE: The Human Right’s Day celebration will be held on Friday, September 13, 2024 at our church! Fliers about the event are posted in the church. At 6:00, a dinner prepared by our Presbyterian Women will be provided for $15. Reservations for the meal need to be made by September 5 by calling, texting, or email (preferred) to Tammy Coyle.. The program begins at 6:50. A speaker from the Hope Center of Hagerstown will share about their ministry. The offering will be given to Hope Center. To enable mothers to attend, Dominique Burford will provide free child care during the program. Those planning to use child care should register by Sept. 5 by calling Debbie Keefer by Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024.

Flying Box Car Game (9.13.24)

Flying Box Car Game – If you are going with us to the ballgame on Friday, September 13th, please make sure you have signed up and have paid by TODAY! Payment envelopes are available at the sign up counter. You can get your tickets for the game next Sunday. The tickets will be on the back counter in the office. Any questions, see Mark or Annette.

Rally Day Celebration & Breakfast (9.8.24)

Rally Day will be held on September 8th at 9:30 during the Sunday School Hour. Breakfast will be served. Please sign up today if you plan on attending. This is the day that we celebrate and recognize all the students who have attended Sunday School throughout the previous year. There will be an Open House of all Sunday School Classes at 10:30 on that day as well. We will also be highlighting our brand new year of Sunday School starting up on September 15th. If you have not attended Sunday School previously, please come and join us for a br

St. Andrew Mission Trip (7.21 – 7.27)

St Andrew is having its Church-Wide Mission Trip from July 21 to 27. We are going to Big Creek Missions in Bear Branch, Kentucky. The mission trip is always a memorable experience.

Coffee Hour (7.21.24)

A Coffee Hour will be on Sunday, July 21st, from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.  Please come out for some delicious food and a great time of fellowship.  We look forward to seeing you soon!

The Deacons

St. Andrews’ Blood Drive (7.8.24)

It’s not too late to sign up to donate blood on Monday, July 8th between 12:30 – 6 pm.  We have about 17 time slots left.  Please see the attached flyer and share with your family, friends & co-workers.
The Red Cross will also be giving away to all donors a Red Cross Umbrella and a free Fandango Movie Ticket (by email) to see TWISTERS for all donations given July 1 – 14th while supplies last.
Please contact or go to (enter standrewswilliamsport in the find location spot) to sign up.

Independence Day Tea Party (7.7.24)

Join the Independence Day TEA PARTY on Sunday, July 7th at 12:15 p.m.  This fundraiser is to benefit the St. Andrew Presbyterian Christian Education 
Committee Outreach. 
Come and enjoy a wonderful, relaxing afternoon. Everyone is invited. Coffee is provided upon request.

Cost – $25 per person – $12 (ages 10 and under)

Includes salad, soup, tea sandwiches, scones, dessert, and various tea flavors.


Sign up at the information desk in the parlor or use the form below. You may also call Tammy to RSVP and pay at the door. _____________________________________________________________________________

For Registration, please fill out the following:

Name     _____________________________ Phone number_________________

Email _______________________________ Allergies _________________

Please RSVP by July 5th with your fee to:

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church c/o Tammy Coyle

10813 Donelson Drive, Williamsport, MD 21795


Please make checks payable to St. Andrew

Lobster Fest (6.15.24)

Are you tired of cooking? Why not have delicious meals for your family to eat in the Legacy Hall or picked up to eat at home on June 15th?  Pre-orders need to be sent in before June 12th.  See flyer for additional information.


Lobster Fest Flyer

Vacation Bible School (6.10-6.14.24)

Vacation Bible School Video

* June 10th-14th: V.B.S. Every Night from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

* June 23rd: V.B.S. Evaluation at noon in the Friendship Hall.

A Few Reminders: * Kids, start collecting your coins for our great contest to see who can tip the scale, the boys or the girls? Of course, the real winner will be the recipients of our offering. Our offering will go to a program supported by Samaritan’s Purse. The kids will decide which program they would like their offering to go towards. Remember to bring your coins to V.B.S. * Remember to bring your Bible to V.B.S. each night. Canteen coins are awarded to those who bring their Bibles. If you do not have a Bible, please see Miss Annette and we will make sure you get one.

Memorial Day Collection (5.26.24)

For Veterans, Sunday May 26, 2024. The Presbyterian Women will collect donations for Heal Our Patriots, a Samaritan’s Purse Mission. Heal Our Patriots provides help for veterans and their spouses. Drop your donation into the helmet on the table in the foyer on Sunday, May 26, at both services. Thank you for your generosity.

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