

The Easter Flowers order form is due by Sunday, March 16th.

See’s Candy order form is due Sunday, March 23rd.

Sign up for the Building a Brighter Future for St. Andrew: Exploring Giving Options by Wednesday, March 26th.

Don’t forget to sign up for the Blood Drive on Wednesday, May 7th.

See more information below on “What’s Going on at St. Andrew.”

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January Newsletter

Dear Friends,

During the season of Advent, I have been highlighting the scripture messages as filtered through a classic Christmas movie.  We have stood with Charlie Brown and asked the real meaning of Christmas.  We have watched miracles unfold before our eyes both on 34th street in New York City and in the city of David, Bethlehem.  We have experienced how God can use the outcast for His heavenly purposes.  We have allowed the love of God to expand our hearts to the place of compassion.  As we have embraced the Christ child, we have realized that we do have a wonderful life in Christ…

January 2022 Newsletter

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