Our Coffee Hour/New Member Reception has been rescheduled for January 26th at 9:30 a.m. We hope you can join us for fellowship, welcoming of new members, and delicious food.
Don’t forget to sign up for the Valentine’s Party on February 9th and the Movie Night on February 15th.
See more information below on “What’s Going on at St. Andrew.”
Bazaar Time is here! The Presbyterian Women (with help from several others!) have been working feverishly to get things ready for our BIG EVENT! Our hours will be: Friday night, November 10, 6:00p.m.-8:00pm. (time correction from October·s newsletter!) Saturday, Nov. 11, 8:00a.m. – 2:00p.m. We hope you will all come out and do some Christmas shopping with us! Not only will you find some top-quality gift items and an amazing variety of hand-made crafts, but you’ll be able to find some special bargains in our Thrift Shop and scrumptious candies, cookies, and other baked goods at our Bake Sale. Our kitchen will be open both days for made-to-order meals, and Santa will be here all day Saturday, so bring along your kids and/or your dog for a free photo op! Special thanks to all who have worked so hard over the last several months in preparation for the Big Event! We have accomplished so much together, and have certainly had a good time in the process.