

There is a Coffee Hour/New Member Reception on January 19th at 9:30 a.m. We hope you can join us for fellowship, welcoming of new members, and delicious food.

Don’t forget to sign up for Game Night, which is held on Saturday, January 18th.

See more information below on “What’s Going on at St. Andrew.”


Good Friday Cross Walk (4.7.23)

The overcast skies, breeze, and chilly weather provided the perfect backdrop for our Cross Walk today. About 15 adults and youth participated in walking, carrying the cross, or reading scripture of those events.

World Day of Prayer (3.3.2023)

Join Church Women United to celebrate World Day of Prayer Friday, March 3, 2023 “I Have Heard About Your Faith” written by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Taiwan Where: Downsville Church of the Brethren 8228 Dam #4 Road Williamsport, MD 21795 (1/2 Mile South of Downsville) When: Friday, March 3, 2023 Program begins at 11:00 followed by a sampling of Taiwanese foods. Reservations are not needed and there is no charge. Come and hear about the faith of Taiwanese women and the struggles they face. An offering will be taken and sent to World Day of Prayer in New York and used for grants to help women around the world.


Holly Place

Holly Place opened in 1988. It is licensed by DHMH and operated by a non-profit corporation formed to develop supervised housing for low-income seniors for whom neither independent living nor nursing home placement is appropriate. Largely due to donations from people like you, Holly Place has given refuge and a home to nearly 200 people. The Presbyterian Women will collect a featured item needed at Holly Place each month. This month, Dryer sheets is the featured item. Please place the dryer sheets in the tub marked Holly Place. The tub is under the counter in the parlor. The PW will continue to collect any donations for Holly Place. Thank you for supporting this local mission.

December—Dryer Sheets

January—Air Freshener

February—Storage Bags, (Gal. & Qt. Size)

March—Dishwasher Detergent

April—Trash Bags (13 gal. & 33 gal.)

May—Furnisher Polish

June—Floor Cleaner

July—Batteries (AAA, AA, 9V)

August—Aluminum Foil

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

Elaine Myers, Sue Koelble and Mo Theriault delivered 150 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes from St Andrews Presbyterian to Tri-State Fellowship Church for delivery to Samaritans Purse.

See’s Candy

Are you looking for something sweet to gift someone for Christmas? Some delicious items include chocolates, peanut brittle, and lollypops. Help support the Presbyterian Women’s fundraiser by purchasing items for someone special. Your order will be in before Christmas.

Special Note:

The Presbyterian Women are once again selling See’s Candy. The orders and money are due back by Sunday, November 13th. There are also order forms and a catalog on the information desk in the parlor. You can leave your money in the large envelope or drop it in the deposit slot in the secretary’s office; make sure you use an envelope and put See’s Candy and your name on it.

If you have any questions, please contact Jen Metz – at 304-676-6849 or Mary Beth Alphin – at 301-992-2222.

Harvest Party/Trunk or Treat

Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 30, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.  We will be having our annual Harvest Party and Trunk or Treating.  Kids, dress up in your favorite costume and invite your friends to this “Spooktacular” event.  Some of the fun events that will be happening that evening:

  • Trunk or Treating in the parking lot.  Lots of candy will be handed out.
  • Crafts and games inside the Legacy Hall.
  • A Haunted House downstairs. Go there if you dare!
  • Refreshments served in the Legacy Hall all evening long.

Please sign up if you plan on attending, and remember to invite your friends.

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Project

For more than 25 years Samaritan’s Purse has collected shoeboxes filled with gifts and delivered them to children in need around the world.  Each box is an opportunity for a boy and girl to experience the love of God in a tangible way and to hear the Gospel.

Many boys and girls who receive shoebox gifts enroll in the Samaritan’s Purse discipleship program, “The Greatest Journey,” where they learn to follow Christ and share Him with others. It all starts with a simple gift.  Will you prayerfully consider joining us in this exciting ministry?

Shoeboxes will be placed in the parlor for you to pick up and fill.  You will also receive a brochure to help guide you in filling the shoebox. Once the box is filled please return it to church.  We will arrange for it to be shipped to a processing center and then to needy children around the world.

Thank you for making a child happy this Christmas.

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