

The Easter Flowers order form is due by Sunday, March 16th.

See’s Candy order form is due Sunday, March 23rd.

Sign up for the Building a Brighter Future for St. Andrew: Exploring Giving Options by Wednesday, March 26th.

Don’t forget to sign up for the Blood Drive on Wednesday, May 7th.

See more information below on “What’s Going on at St. Andrew.”

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March 2023 Newsletter

Dear Friends, As we have now entered Lent, may this season of the church year be a blessing to you. We talk here at St. Andrew about being intentional about your faith. Here are some ways that you can focus on your faith during this next forty days.

–Fasting and Prayer. In our world today that is all about giving into our desires, we have lost the power of self-control. Fasting is a means by which we gain self-control in our lives. Fasting can be anything from fasting from food to fasting from something that eats up too much of your day. Fasting from food or other items such as videos can involve fasting for a period of time such as a morning to a day. It can also involve fasting from a specific food such as chocolate or dessert or fast food. While fasting, when the hunger pangs or desire hits, use that moment to pray. While praying, God will be the center of your thoughts which m


March 2023 Newsletter

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