

Don’t forget to check out the Living Nativity presentation on December 22nd.

There are two Christmas Eve services at 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

See more information below on “What’s Going on at St. Andrew.”


Operation Christmas Child (10.13-11.3)

Shoeboxes for your Operation Christmas Child donation are ready to go. They have information about how to pack a box. And they have info on how to make your $10 donation to cover the cost of transportation and support the Greatest Journey program. In addition, PetSmart donated stuffed animals to us last year to share with children. Please take one for your box if you’d like. Thanks to the Youth who wrapped them so that the little stuffies fit better in the GO boxes. We have 125 boxes we can use to share the love of Jesus with children around the world. Please prayerfully consider sending one or two boxes to children who will be blessed by the message of love in your gift. Through your generosity, they may come to salvation through the love of Jesus. Boxes are due on November 3rd. A cart will be set out to collect them next week. If you need more information, please call Mo Theriault

Harvest Party/Trunk or Treat (10.27.24)

It is that time of year to get into your costumes and head over to the church, Sunday, October 27, 6-7:30 for a great evening of fun, games, spooky house and of course Trunk or Treat. This is such a great event for everyone of all ages to participate.

* Kids: Come dressed up in your Halloween Costume and enjoy getting lots of candy from our Trunk or Treat that will be held in the parking lot. Come inside and enjoy lots of games, crafts, and refreshments. Please sign up if you plan on attending. Invite your friends—the more the merrier.

* Adults: Join in on the fun and hand out candy from your vehicles to all the kids passing through. Feel free to dress up and to decorate your car if you want to. Please sign up if you plan on participating in the Trunk or Treat event. The more people participate, the more fun it is for the kids. Feel free to donate some candy if you cannot donate a trunk. Please leave your candy in the office on the back counter. Thank you!

*Anyone brave?? Go downstairs as the Youth Group will be hosting a spooky area. There are 2 levels of spookiness, one not so scary and one a bit more scary. Take your choice as to which area (s) you want to visit. The Youth Group does an amazing job of transforming the whole downstairs into a haunted area.

* Please sign up if you would like to be a part of the Trunk or Treat, handing out candy from your vehicle. * Sign up if you plan on attending the Harvest Party. Invite your friends!

Harvest Hoedown (10.5.24)

The sign-up sheet for volunteer jobs at the Scarecrow Making Booth is on the shelf in the Narthex. Please sign up for a job and time slot that works for you! Volunteers from last year’s Hoedown, you did such a great job. Please mark this year’s Hoedown on your calendar now because we need you on October 5, 2024. This fund raiser for the Williamsport Food Pantry is a success because of the time you volunteer that day.  All are welcome to come and help

Scarecrow Making (9.22.24)

We will put the Premade scarecrows together on Sunday, September 29, 5:00 pm.  Please come out to prepare for the October Hoedown.

Sunday School Bowling Party (9.21.24)

Everyone is invited to our Bowling Party on Saturday, September 21, 4:00 p.m. at the Southside Bowling Alley on Virginia Avenue. We will have the opportunity to bowl a few games either Duck Pin, (bumpers are available) or Ten pin. An afternoon of bowling may make us hungry, so feel free to join us at Cici’s Pizza for dinner after our bowling party.

Human Right’s Day Celebration Dinner & Program (9.13.24)

SAVE THE DATE: The Human Right’s Day celebration will be held on Friday, September 13, 2024 at our church! Fliers about the event are posted in the church. At 6:00, a dinner prepared by our Presbyterian Women will be provided for $15. Reservations for the meal need to be made by September 5 by calling, texting, or email (preferred) to Tammy Coyle.. The program begins at 6:50. A speaker from the Hope Center of Hagerstown will share about their ministry. The offering will be given to Hope Center. To enable mothers to attend, Dominique Burford will provide free child care during the program. Those planning to use child care should register by Sept. 5 by calling Debbie Keefer by Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024.

Flying Box Car Game (9.13.24)

Flying Box Car Game – If you are going with us to the ballgame on Friday, September 13th, please make sure you have signed up and have paid by TODAY! Payment envelopes are available at the sign up counter. You can get your tickets for the game next Sunday. The tickets will be on the back counter in the office. Any questions, see Mark or Annette.

Rally Day Celebration & Breakfast (9.8.24)

Rally Day will be held on September 8th at 9:30 during the Sunday School Hour. Breakfast will be served. Please sign up today if you plan on attending. This is the day that we celebrate and recognize all the students who have attended Sunday School throughout the previous year. There will be an Open House of all Sunday School Classes at 10:30 on that day as well. We will also be highlighting our brand new year of Sunday School starting up on September 15th. If you have not attended Sunday School previously, please come and join us for a br

St. Andrew Mission Trip (7.21 – 7.27)

St Andrew is having its Church-Wide Mission Trip from July 21 to 27. We are going to Big Creek Missions in Bear Branch, Kentucky. The mission trip is always a memorable experience.

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