

There is a Coffee Hour/New Member Reception on January 19th at 9:30 a.m. We hope you can join us for fellowship, welcoming of new members, and delicious food.

Don’t forget to sign up for Game Night, which is held on Saturday, January 18th.

See more information below on “What’s Going on at St. Andrew.”


January Newsletter

Dear Friends, We will be looking at our mission statement for the next few months in these columns. In November, we looked at the fact that we value fellowship here at St. Andrew. In December we explored the fact that worship is to be an essential in the life of the believer. The next intention is this: Conduct an education program that helps people of all ages to increase their knowledge and understanding of faith in Jesus Christ. We have a committee expressly designed to touch this aspect of our mission statement—The Christian Education Committee. We have two staff people whose responsibility is to foster Christian Education—The Director of Christian Education and the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Coordinator.

January Newsletter


Lobsterfest – June 17th

10th Annual Spring Lobster Fest Saturday, June 17, 2023, 5-7:30 p.m.

Option 1: $40- 1.5-2 lb Lobster Dinner*

Option 2: $30- Lobster Roll Dinner

Option 3: $25- Beef Brisket Dinner

Option 4: $35- Live or Cooked whole lobster only*

ALL Dinners include: Double baked potatoes, salad, roll & dessert *If you wish to have the lobster prepicked, add $5 to your order. Lobsters must be ordered before June 14, 2023: To place your order, call 301-992-2222 or 301-223-8887.

Mail checks payable to: St. Andrew Presbyterian Church 10813 Donelson Drive, Williamsport, MD 21795, or pay at the door. Proceeds benefit the St. Andrew Youth Group Mission Trip to Big Creek, KY.

Good Friday Cross Walk (4.7.23)

The overcast skies, breeze, and chilly weather provided the perfect backdrop for our Cross Walk today. About 15 adults and youth participated in walking, carrying the cross, or reading scripture of those events.

March 2023 Newsletter

Dear Friends, As we have now entered Lent, may this season of the church year be a blessing to you. We talk here at St. Andrew about being intentional about your faith. Here are some ways that you can focus on your faith during this next forty days.

–Fasting and Prayer. In our world today that is all about giving into our desires, we have lost the power of self-control. Fasting is a means by which we gain self-control in our lives. Fasting can be anything from fasting from food to fasting from something that eats up too much of your day. Fasting from food or other items such as videos can involve fasting for a period of time such as a morning to a day. It can also involve fasting from a specific food such as chocolate or dessert or fast food. While fasting, when the hunger pangs or desire hits, use that moment to pray. While praying, God will be the center of your thoughts which m


March 2023 Newsletter

September Newsletter

Dear Friends,

It was twenty years ago when we watched the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the crash in the field in Pennsylvania.  Alan Jackson, country music singer, asked the question, “Where Were You?”  Here is part of his song.

Where were you when the world stopped turnin’

That September day?



Read Full Newsletter

We Have a New Website!

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church has launched a new mobile responsive website, What does mobile responsive mean? Responsive design provides an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors). Thank you DatAchieve Digital!

If you have questions about St. Andrew Presbyterian Church’s services, that are not answered on this site we invite you to contact us by clicking here. To stay even more current, sign up for email updates.

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